CASE STUDY TNT HESTON LEASE RE-GEAR & ACQUISITION: Objectives To negotiate short-term lease renewal to coincide with acquisition of relocation premises To navigate a path around bought proceedings served by Landlord for a longer term Outcomes Leverage achieved by...
CASE STUDY Fedex TNT Heathrow LEASE RE-GEAR & ACQUISITION: Objectives: Negotiate Heads of Terms for the freight forwarding facility Time-critical acquisition due to consolidation of FedEx and TNT Negotiate a Landlord’s capital contribution towards fit-out works...
CASE STUDY HSS NATIONWIDE ACQUISITIONS: Objectives: To support HSS in their national expansion programme Identify and acquire new trading branches Negotiate best possible commercial terms Outcomes: 50 new trading branches sourced 10 other buildings acquired as...
CASE STUDY HSS READING ACQUISITIONS: Objectives: Secure a new regional distribution centre (RDC) Negotiate best possible commercial terms Deliver as quickly as possible to alleviate operational constraints Outcomes: Achieved a rent reduction of £24,000pa Secured...
CASE STUDY HSS NATIONWIDEPORTFOLIO RE-PROFILE ACQUISITIONS: Objectives: Re-profile the portfolio to meet new trading format Reduce total occupation cost by at least £5m pa within 5 years Exploit cost savings Outcomes: On track to deliver £5m within 5 years,...